How to Remove a White Heat Ring from a Wood Table
This is, without a doubt, my new favorite party trick.
I found this gorgeous table recently and it needed a little pick me up. One of the rehab treatments was removing this white heat ring from the wood.

Using Ketchup to Clean Brass
As you know, I absolutely love finding the vintage items…especially brass. Cleaning them, however, is not always my favorite part of the process. Depending on how much gunk is on it, it can sometimes be a tedious (although rewarding) process. If I can find a quick shortcut to get the job done, I am all for it.
I had read time and time again that cleaning brass with ketchup was one such trick.
Not exactly rocket science, I set out it give it a shot.

Dating, Cleaning and Decorating With Vintage Globes
When I was younger, I loved twirling my globe around and "filling in the blank" with a location. Where will I get married? Tanzania (far cry from my actual wedding in Charlottesville, VA). Where will I love when I am older? Antarctica (God. Help. Me).
Globes helped us learn and entertained us as kids. Since they're not as necessary as they had been in the past thanks to, you know, Google Maps...they have made a real comeback as a vintage décor item for the home.
Here is what you need to know about the Vintage Globes you encounter….

How to Clean a Vintage Painting
One of my most favorite things to find at Flea Markets is vintage artwork. The living room wall above my couch is an ode to my love of old artwork with character.
But many times, the condition you find them in is anything but great. And unless I am uncovering a Picasso, I highly doubt I am going to be getting anything professionally restored.
Instead, I use bread to give it a good cleaning.

How to Polish Silver and Not Ruin Your Mani
How many of us come home after a long week and think "Hot damn, I can't wait to get all sore and gross polishing silver all weekend!" Yeah, that's what I thought.
So, when I saw Martha's method (it's always, Martha, isn't it?!?), I knew I had to give it a try. Aluminum + Baking Soda + Hot Water = One Unscathed Mani and more time to watch Bravo.