How to Pair Modern Wallpaper with Vintage Art
I absolutely love a wall full of vintage artwork. They add such texture, color and charm to a room. But if I could get what I really wanted in my rental, it would be a to back those bad boys with some wallpaper. Because there is NOTHING sexier to me than some vintage art on a modern wallpaper. In my opinion, it is the easiest way to merge modern and vintage together with the biggest impact. Like....blow your mind kind of impact.

Are you a coup or a flute?
There are three kinds of people in this world...those that prefer champagne flutes, those that prefer champagne coupes and those that would rather a bourbon out of the bottle.
It doesn't take much of a genius to figure out that the retro charm of the coupe has my heart. It was one of the first things I registered for when I was engaged, I used them at my wedding and we drink OJ from them on the weekends. It is obvious that I adore them.

Using Ketchup to Clean Brass
As you know, I absolutely love finding the vintage items…especially brass. Cleaning them, however, is not always my favorite part of the process. Depending on how much gunk is on it, it can sometimes be a tedious (although rewarding) process. If I can find a quick shortcut to get the job done, I am all for it.
I had read time and time again that cleaning brass with ketchup was one such trick.
Not exactly rocket science, I set out it give it a shot.

What are Shiny Brite Ornaments?
Oh, Shiny Brites....you really are the grand daddy of all the Vintage Christmas decor, aren't you, you little devil!?!?
The popularity of these have exploded again. And thank God for that. They are stunning. I am absolutely loving all the creative things that folks have been doing with them.

Vintage Ceramic Christmas Trees
Now having a family of my own, I have been giving a lot of thought to our Christmas decorations. I am sure this isn't going to come as a shock to you but I am incredibly sentimental. And while I now have a healthy dose of Melissa and Doug Christmas items in my house, I am thinking a lot about what types of items I am going to have in my home for my son to have an attachment to his childhood memories.
For me, personally. It is our Christmas stockings. I have loved them since I was a little girl. They are all hand-made by my mom and are just so special to me. I love that she's been working herself crazy to try and finish new ones this year for our growing family.
This got me thinking about what are some classic Christmas decorations that are instantly vintage Christmas. And without even finishing that thought, the Ceramic Christmas tree popped into my head. This is, in my opinion, quintessential vintage Christmas.

Cake Breaker: What is it and How Is It Used?
I remember opening my Grandmother's box of silver and seeing this when I was a kid. I just KNEW it was a comb for my baby doll's hair. As I grew older, I figured a comb probably wasn't hanging out next to the butter knives in a box of silver. As a young adult, I assumed it was for serving pasta because of the tongs.

Easy Ideas for Creating a Vintage Entryway
After the teaser of the front door knocker, stepping into a house or apartment and having a fabulous entryway can set the tone for the decor of your home. It gives you an idea of what you can expect for the whole house. It does not matter if you are walking into an old grand foyer or your front door opens right into your living room, creating a entry nook is not only welcoming but functional.

The Turkey Platter: A Quick History and Favorite Patterns
If you saw my post on creating a perfect vintage Thanksgiving table then you already know that I think the turkey platter is the star of the show. In my house, the ole gal isn’t allocated to the edge of the table, she’s put in prime location in the center of the table.

Creating a Vintage Thanksgiving Table
I love everything about Thanksgiving. I love waking up and waiting for Santa to make his appearance on the Macy's parade. I love the smell of stuffing. I love the grazing that happens from the beginning of the day to the end of the day. I love being with the ones I love. I love having things in my life to be Thankful for...and I love everything I am thankful for.
I have not been able to stop thinking about my Thanksgiving table. I love mixing textures and items on my table to create an inviting and happy table for my guests. I also love mixing “new” tableware with vintage tableware. Below you will find new and vintage picks for a perfect Thanksgiving table!

How to identify marks on silver
We recently went through and talked about the different types of silver and their marks. Now we are going to learn how to read these marks and go into more details on some of these terms.
As we saw in the first post, there are often all sorts of little designs, numbers and letters on the bottom of a piece of silver. It is a very complicated system that often changes per country and region. The information below is the tip of the iceburg but should at least give you a good place to understand what all the designs represent.

Flatware Finds: What Are Sugar Spoons and How Do You Use Them?
Like any good Southern woman, I love my initials and monogram. I have an EBay saved search for "Vintage SH Initials" and squeal when I get the alert on my phone that something has been listed.
One of my most recent purchases is this adorable Sugar Spoon with "SH" on the handle. (This one got a BIG squeal). I don't even use sugar in my coffee or tea but I have a soft spot in my heart for this piece.

What are the different types of silver and how do you identify them?
One of the first things I learned when I started doing my hard core thrifting and flea gig was the various types of silver. While I am still no expert, I have learned how to better interpret all those crazy stamps on the back of pieces. I thought it would be helpful to go through and really dive in so you can, hopefully, start identifying what you are holding. Let me just say right here that most of this information was collected from Martha Stewart. (Obvs).

Using Vintage Silhouettes in Your Decor
If you follow me on Instagram (@capitolvintagecharm) you know that I was discussing my love for silhouettes recently. I have several and always scatter them around gallery walls. (See picture above - this is my son’s nursery from many years ago.) Now I'm thinking of fresh ways to display these.

Dating, Cleaning and Decorating With Vintage Globes
When I was younger, I loved twirling my globe around and "filling in the blank" with a location. Where will I get married? Tanzania (far cry from my actual wedding in Charlottesville, VA). Where will I love when I am older? Antarctica (God. Help. Me).
Globes helped us learn and entertained us as kids. Since they're not as necessary as they had been in the past thanks to, you know, Google Maps...they have made a real comeback as a vintage décor item for the home.
Here is what you need to know about the Vintage Globes you encounter….

What is the difference between china and porcelain?
I thought it might be helpful if we start to explore some variations of products and learn about the basics of terminology.
China, Ceramics, Porcelain and Bone China....all these terms get super confusing. So, let's do a little flow chart here to help.

How to Score Great Finds at Flea Markets
I sure do love a manicure or lunch with friends. I love my morning latte. And I love a good documentary. But nothing...absolutely nothing makes me as happy as Flea Market. I love every single thing about them. I love the sense of community. I love the energy in the air. I love the smell of the concession stand. And I crave the hunt.

How to Clean a Vintage Painting
One of my most favorite things to find at Flea Markets is vintage artwork. The living room wall above my couch is an ode to my love of old artwork with character.
But many times, the condition you find them in is anything but great. And unless I am uncovering a Picasso, I highly doubt I am going to be getting anything professionally restored.
Instead, I use bread to give it a good cleaning.

What are Asparagus Servers?
Asparagus Servers and Forks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I am always so intrigued by how the times change and what is considered to be so in fashion.
According to The Silver Lining, the first Asparagus servers were tongs that were "scissor like" and appeared in the 18th Century.

Vintage Toast Rack: What Is It and What To Do With It
It seems you can't hardly flip through a magazine anymore without seeing a vintage toast rack on a desk holding stationary or mail. Don't get me wrong, I use one for the exact same thing on my desk.
But what exactly are they and what was their original purpose.

Decorating with Vintage Coverlets/Bedspreads
I am crazy in love with vintage coverlets mixed with modern or popular bedding.