How to Use Vintage Lamps in Your Decor

Brass lamp and chinoiserie vases in front of an Asian screen

I have a real love for vintage lamps. They are an instant conversation piece in a room. Adding a vintage lamp to a modern side table is such an easy way to add a cool touch of vintage to your room!

Personally, brass lamps have my heart. They add just the perfect touch of glamour and smooth texture to a room. What I love the most about brass lamps…they are basically a neutral. You can add different lamp shades to create entirely different looks to fit your decor.

But then using a great vintage lamp with color adds such a pop to a room! Look at this lamp I have in my living room. It is so tall (approximately 43 inches with the shade) that it completely towers over the space and adds such a cool touch of pattern and color with its height and stature.

Tall green lamp on side table

Start By Choosing a Vintage Lamp

metal ceramic and patterned vintage lamp bases

All of the lamps can be found in my Etsy store

Choosing A Lampshade

Scale. Scale. Scale!!

WIDTH: The rule of thumb is that the bottom base of your shade should be twice the size of the base of the lamp.

HEIGHT: The base should be about 60% and the shade should be 40%. Your eye will tell you if you have this right. HOWEVER, if the neck of the lamp is really long, pay attention to how much of the neck of the lamp is sticking out from the bottom of the shade. You shouldn’t be able to see more, than say, an inch of the neck from the bottom of the lamp.


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